
Launch Hylinker

On the webpage to be annotated, click the Hylinker icon to launch it.

The first time you run Hylinker, it will ask you to sign in, but you can also choose to use it without signing in.



When a fragment of text is selected, a toolbar will automatically pop up. Click the ‘Highlight’ button (or press the ‘H’ key) to highlight the selected text. Similarly, when text is selected and the ‘Annotate’ button is clicked (or press the ‘A’ key), an input box will appear where notes can be entered.

When a link is detected in the input content, Hylinker will automatically convert the link address into a hyperlink and retrieve the webpage title.

Click the link to jump to the corresponding webpage. Click the Hylinker icon, you can see a back link to the annotation just made.


When hovering the cursor over an image, the toolbar will pop up at the bottom right of the image. The options are the same as those for text.



Click the ‘Connect’ button (or press the ‘C’ key), the content library will show up. Then select a content to add as an annotation for the image.

Return to the original webpage. A back link to the image just annotated will be generated in the corresponding webpage quotation.

Edit an annotation

When you click the highlighted text, an annotation card with a toolbar will appear.

Click "Add note" to add a new note to the highlighted text. Click "add link" to select a content to add as an annotation.

Click the menu button in front of the note item to open the menu options. Then you can remove the note. In addition, you can also view the related content. In the content library, you can continue to view the related content of every item. Clicking on the item can locate the reference position or open the corresponding webpage.

Page note

The sidebar displays all the annotations related to the current webpage. Clicking "Create a page note" in the top toolbar can create a note for the entire page. In addition, switching toolbar tabs allows you to search in the content library, and view your account information. Finally, you can sign in and use the cloud sync service.

Zettelkasten/Slip-box note

To open this interface, click Hylinker in a new tab or open the Option Panel. For Chrome & Edge, you can right-click Hylinker and choose Options.

The default page will display an input box and the latest annotations/notes.

In the input box, you can enter text or images, and click the send button to create a note (shortcut key Ctrl+Enter/⌘+Enter).

In the search bar on the right, click the radio button of a note to view the associated annotations and notes.

You can use the browser's forward and back buttons to navigate between the history of this interface. Refreshing the page will return to the default page.

Sync with Note Apps

In the Account interface, log in to OneNote. After logging in, Hylinker will sync annotations to OneNote’s default directory. The annotations will be synced to a note by web page.

In addition, a OneNote tag will appear in the search bar. After selecting this tag, you can search for content in OneNote. The content in OneNote can be linked to annotations like local content. Please wait for several minutes to sync data after logging in for the first time.